For over 15 years, The Virtual High School (VHS) has brought award-winning, personalized learning programs to communities worldwide.
Between the variety of online and blended programs we can provide, and the diverse backgrounds of students and faculty in our global classrooms, it should be no surprise that our catalog is just as assorted.
From core courses and graduation requirements, to advanced learning and career oriented electives, it's hard not to find the class you are looking for in our course catalog.
Advanced Learning
VHS has one of the largest online Advanced Placement® catalogs in the nation. With over 20 AP® courses to choose from, students can earn college credit, or delve deeper into subjects of interest with unique offerings such as AP® Computer Science, AP® World History, AP® Music Theory and AP® Human Geography.
We also offer a number of Gifted and Talented courses for accelerated students. Our Honors courses provide enrichment for students grades 8-12, and our high school courses for middle school students give motivated learners as young as 10 years old the opportunity to get ahead and continue their studies on a higher level.
Unique Electives
Our wide range of elective courses are a big draw for students year after year. With Language Arts classes including Ghoulies, Ghosties and Long-Legged Beasties and 101 Ways to Write a Short Story, Social Studies supplements such as Modern Middle East, and Science courses that range from Environmental Chemistry to Nuclear Physics, we offer interesting subjects seldom found in a school's curriculum.
Course Catalog
101 Ways to Write a Short Story
Academic Writing
Algebra 1
Algebra 1
Algebra 1 Flex
Algebra 2
Algebra 2 Flex
Algebra 2 Honors
American Popular Music
Anatomy and Physiology
Animal Behavior and Zoology
AP® Art History
AP® Biology
AP® Calculus AB
AP® Calculus BC
AP® Chemistry
AP® Computer Science A
AP® Economics
AP® English Language and Composition
AP® English Literature and Composition
AP® Environmental Science
AP® European History
AP® French Language and Culture
AP® Government & Politics: U.S.
AP® Human Geography
AP® Music Theory
AP® Physics 1
AP® Physics C
AP® Psychology
AP® Spanish Language and Culture
AP® Statistics
AP® U.S. History
AP® World History
Around the World in 80 Days
Art History
Astronomy Principles
Biology Flex
Business and Personal Law
Business Math
Calculus Honors
Chemistry Honors
Climate Change
Computational Science and Engineering Using Java
Computer Animation with Scratch
Computer Science Honors
Constitutional Law
Contemporary Issues in American Law and Justice
Creating Art History
Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations
Creative Writing
Earth and Space Science
Earth and Space Science
Eastern and Western Thought
Economics Honors
Employability Skills
Engineering for Sustainable Energy
Engineering Principles
English 10
English 10 Flex
English 11
English 11 Flex
English 12
English 9
Environmental Science
Environmental Science Honors
Essay Writing
Fantasy and Science Fiction Short Stories
Film and Literature
Folklore and Literature of Myth, Magic, and Ritual
Forensic Science
French Language and Culture
Genes and Disease
Geometry Flex
German Language and Culture
Ghoulies, Ghosties, and Long-Legged Beasties
Health Flex
History of Photography
Horror Writers
International Business
Investing in the Stock Market
Italian Language and Culture
Journalism in the Digital Age
Kindergarten Apprentice Teacher
Latin 1
Latin 2
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture
Marketing and the Internet
Math and Modern Logic Honors
Math You Can Use In College
Modern Middle East
Music Listening and Critique
Music: Fundamentals of Composition
Now What Will You Do?
Nuclear Physics
Number Theory
Parenting in the 21st Century
Personal Finance
Personal Finance Flex
Perspectives in Health
Philosophy I
Physical Education: Personal Fitness
Physics Honors
Poetry Writing
Portuguese I
Practical Law
Pre-Calculus: Advanced Trigonometry
Pre-Calculus: Functions
Preveterinary Medicine
Programming in Visual Basic
Psychology Honors
Psychology I
Psychology of Crime
Russian Language and Culture
Russian Language and Culture
Screenwriting Fundamentals
Shakespeare in Film
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish Culture and 20th Century Hispanic Literature
Sports and Society
Statistics Honors
The Glory of Ancient Rome
The Holocaust
The Human Body
Twentieth Century Women Authors
U.S. Foreign Policy
U.S. Government
U.S. History: 1754-1877
U.S. History: 1877-Present
U.S. History: 1877-Present Flex
U.S. History: Colonial America-1877 Flex
Video Game Design Using GameMaker
Web Design - Advanced
Web Design - Basics
Who Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?
World Conflict: A United Nations Introduction
World History: 1450 - Present
World History: Pre-History to 1500