Hampden Academy Mission Statement
Hampden Academy challenges all students to achieve individual excellence.
Academic Excellence
Personal Integrity
Active Citizenship
Critical and Creative Thinking
Responsible Independence
Personal Connections
We Believe:
Learning is a lifelong process.
Students learn and demonstrate their learning in individual ways.
A safe, supportive environment is essential to learning.
Learning requires rigorous experiences, connections among disciplines, and application of knowledge in relevant situations in and out of school.
Timely and specific feedback and self-reflection are critical supports for continuous improvement for all members of the school community.
High school is a developmental process in which responsibility for learning and behavior shifts to the student.
Effective learners monitor and balance their physical and emotional well-being.
Staff participation in professional development enhances their knowledge and skills and promotes reflection and collegiality.
A synergistic partnership among students, school, parents, and community is fundamental to education.
Technology is an essential 21st century tool that used productively enhances teaching and learning.
Respect is a right of all people.
21st Century Learning Expectations
Academic Content (Know)
Students will demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge and skills across eight content areas.
Career and Education Development
English Language Arts
Modern and Classical Languages
Science and Technology
Social Studies
Visual and Performing Arts
Learning Habits (Work)
Students will demonstrate habits of mind that will serve them well for a lifetime of learning.
* Self-directed and life-long learner
* Clear and Effective Communicator
Collaboration (Engage)
Students will demonstrate collaborative work skills.
* Responsible and Involved Citizen
Complex Reasoning (Think)
Students will think critically and creatively.
* Creative and Practical Problem solver
* Integrative and Informed Thinker
Approved by HA Faculty 1/29/14
Approved by Bd of Directors 3/5/14