UMFK's AP4ME offers high school students throughout the state the opportunity to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses, completely online, regardless of where they live or their school’s ability to support AP courses.
Course offerings were created based on many criteria, some of which included: course availability and need across Maine, prior enrollment, current retention and success rates for students, and the ability to transfer credits, subject knowledge, and skills into future higher education opportunities.
Students who participate in AP4ME are taught by Maine certified teachers who receive extensive training not only in their specific AP content area, but also in the pedagogy of effective online teaching. AP4ME provides teachers with significant support in the areas of integrating technology, effective online communication, and all aspects of teaching and learning related to an online course.
Since 2007, AP4ALL (now AP4ME) has addressed the access to demanding, college-level courses by using online technologies to help offer such courses to every public high school student in Maine.
Year-Long Online Courses
AP4ME classes are year-long online courses that run from the day after Labor Day through one week after the scheduled date of the AP Exam for the course. All AP4ME courses follow the same calendar, regardless of a student's own school calendar, and each course satisfies all College Board Advanced Placement course requirements.
More than 3,200 colleges and universities in the United States offer credit and/or advanced placement for qualifying AP scores. A qualifying score is anywhere from a 3 to a 5. It should be noted that each college or university develops its own policies on granting credit or placing a student in a particular level of course based on their AP performance.
A Money Saving Opportunity!
If students are granted credit for AP courses taken in high school this can accelerate their progress toward graduation, and therefore save them money on the typical tuition, fees, and room and board. It can also allow them to spread their typical class load over time, provide the flexibility to pursue a double major, or study abroad without concerns about negatively impacting their ability to graduate on time.
Hampden Academy AP Course Offerings
AP Biology AP Calculus
AP Chemistry AP Computer Science Principles
AP Environmental Science AP US History
AP Language & Composition AP Literature and Composition
AP Latin
AP Studio Art: 2D (Traditional)
AP Statistics
AP Studio Art: Drawing
AP Studio Art: 2D (Graphic Design & Photography)
AP Studio Art: 3D
AP Physics 1
AP Physics C
AP Computer Science A