Tournament 2020
We support our Boy's & Girl's Basketball teams during their tournament play as a full band in order to best represent H.A. Attire is blue jeans and H.A. band/music top. No exceptions please. The dates are as follows. If you need to be excused for a game (s), please fill out an Absent Request form attached below by Tuesday, Feb. 11th.
Friday, Feb. 14th
5:15 p.m. - Meet in H.A. Band room
5:30 p.m. Depart Hampden
6:45 p.m. Dinner at Wendy's in Augusta
7:45 p.m - Depart for Augusta Civic Center
9:00 p.m. Girls quarterfinal game
11:00 p.m. - Depart for Hampden
12:30 a.m. - Arrive in Hampden
Saturday, Feb. 15th
Meet in H.A. Band room @ 5:15 p.m.
Depart at 5:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m. Dinner at Wendy's in Augusta
7:45 p.m - Depart for Augusta Civic Center
9:00 p.m. Girls quarterfinal game
11:00 p.m. - Depart for Hampden
12:15 a.m. - Arrive at H.A.
Each game after this is contingent on a win by either team. Schedule will be edited accordingly.
Wednesday, Feb. 19th
1:00 p.m. - Meet in H.A. Band room
3:30 p.m. - Girls Semi-Final game
5:30 p.m. - Dinner in Augusta (Choices in plaza are Panera Bread, Chipotle and Subway)
7:30 p.m. - Depart for Augusta Civic Center
8:30 p.m. - Boy's Semi-Final games
10:30 p.m. - Depart for Hampden
12:00 a.m - Arrive at H.A.
Friday, Feb. 21
3:30 p.m. - Meet in H.A. Band Room
4:00 p.m. - Depart for Augusta
6:00 p.m. - Girls Eastern Maine final game
7:45 p.m. - Boys Eastern Final game
Saturday, Feb. 29
9:00 a.m. - Meet in H.A. Band Room
9:30 a.m. - Depart for Cross Arena in Portland
1:00 a.m. - Girls State Final Game
3:00 p.m. - Boys State Final Game
6:00 p.m. - Depart for Hampden
9:00 p.m. - Arrive at H.A.
2018-19 HA performance schedule
Congratulations to the Hampden Academy Voices Unlimited and Ascension Show Choir for receiving Superior Ratings at Festival Disney at Walt Disney World. In addition, the Hampden Academy Jazz Ensemble received the Best in Class award. Nick Parker and Julia Hammond were presented with Outstanding Musicianship awards for their great work accompanying our show choirs!!
Congratulations to the Hampden Academy Jazz Combo and Jazz Ensemble for their Gold Medal Performances at the Maine State H.S. Instrumental Jazz Festival.
Link to Gold Medal Perfomance
Here is a link to the Night Finals concert -
Spring Jazz Link
Spring Jazz Audio (Better Quality)
Congratulations to the Hampden Academy Jazz Combo and Jazz Ensemble for their Gold Award performances at the Maine State High School Instrumental Jazz Festival in South Portland. The Jazz Ensemble qualified for the Night Finals Performance with a score of 99 out of 100 and are the State Champions in Div. 2!! Bailey Giles and Jake Michaud also received Outstanding Musicianship Awards.

Link to BDN Article
Hampden Academy Jazz Ensemble Near Perfection

Patrick Michaud | BDN
Posted March 20, 2015, at 12 p.m.
Last modified March 20, 2015, at 2:31 p.m.
On Saturday, March 14th, the Hampden Academy Jazz Ensemble participated in the Maine State High School Instrumental Jazz Festival in South Portland. They were on a quest to repeat last year's State Championship in Division 2.
They qualified for the State Festival by participating in the District V Jazz Festival held on Feb. 12th at Ridgeview Community School in Dexter. They received a score of 98 out of 100. Their goal for the State Jazz Fest was a perfect score.
At the State Festival in South Portland, they received an average score of 94 out of 95 from 3 judges for their performance of 3 selections which included "Swingin' for the Fences" by Gordon Goodwin, "Gentle Rain" by Kris Berg and "Better Get Hit in Your Soul' by Charles Mingus. Soloists included Eiji Frey on Trombone, Dan Rice on Piano, Bailey Giles on Tenor Sax, Jake Michaud on Drums, Noah Gardner on Trumpet, Josh Redmond on Trombone, Reba Sands on Flute and Nate Haiden on Bass. Each soloist received a superior rating for their Solo. In addition, Bailey Giles and Jake Michaud were 2 of the 5 soloists from Div. 2 to receive an Outstanding Musicianship Award.

After their performance, the ensemble proceeded to a sight reading room where they performed a short composition that they had never played before. They scored 5 out of 5 giving them a total score of 99 out of 100.
The band qualified for the Night Finals concert where they attained their goal and became the State Champions in Division 2.
All K-8 RSU 22 students have been invited to a performance which will occur in the next couple weeks at the Hampden Academy Performing Arts Center. Jazz Ensemble students will also talk with the students about the dedication it takes to achieve excellence in music. In addition, on Friday, May 8th at 7 p.m., they will be performing with world acclaimed and award winning Baritone Saxophonist, Gary Smulyan.
Mr. Michaud
[email protected]
Mrs. Corliss
[email protected]
H.A. Music Office